Mike, also known as "North Borders" on social media is an Australian born photographer who has a large following across many social media platforms including Youtube, Facebook and Instagram.
On his Youtube channel, he has accumulated over 370,000 subscribers and posts regular videos of what he is up to. He has worked with brands such as Lamborghini, Porsche and Alfa Romeo in which he created videos and photos to help advertise not only their business but his own. He created Youtube content to help people grow their own businesses and help people improve their photography skills.
This is an example of the types of content that Mike creates for his channel and social media platforms. As you can see by the 1,000,000 + view count these are rather popular in the media world especially on the Youtube platform.
Daniel Schiffer
Daniel Schiffer, a filmmaker and photographer from Toronto Canada has made his name through the use of social media platforms such as Youtube and Instagram.
He currently has a Youtube following of 2,100,000 subscribers and an Instagram following of 530,000. On these platforms, he teaches people about filmmaking and photography to help people progress. He also shows behind the scene footage and explains how he created certain videos with in-depth explanations and visuals.
This is a great example to showcase the type of content that Daniel creates on a regular basis for his social platforms. He has worked with many brands including local ones in his area to help create promotional material to help grow their businesses.
Another key inspiration for my photography would be Eddie Keogh who is currently the England Football team photographer. He has around 35 years of experience photographing sports, everything from archery to football he has done it all. He has been lucky enough to travel the world photographing sporting events all over the glove. He is also apart of the Canon Ambassador programme so his work is very professional.
Eddie has worked with brands such as Rolls Royce, photographing events and vehicles at their exhibitions in London and also in other countries around the world.
He has photographed the 2014 world cup, the 2012 London Olympics and also Champions League matches all over the world so its safe to say he has a pretty successful career. Even with photographing all these high profile sporting events he has also photographed Sunday league football and is probably where it all started for him showing that anyone can make a career out of things they enjoy doing.
Website Design Home Page This is my home page which is the first screen you are taken to when entering the website. It consists of headings to take you to different pages within the website, social media links to take you to different social media accounts and also shows the viewer the most recent project I have completed in this case it was a Halloween event in the town centre, this can be paused if the viewer does not wish to watch it. The background is a picture of a local landmark that I have taken and is being used to show where I am currently living and also gives a sense of regional identity. I have used the opacity tool to make the picture more opaque so that the text and logo stand out more and can be read more clearly. I have kept the black logo text theme running through the page by keeping all the text on the site to black colour, the only thing I have changed is the size and colour so people can easily distinguish what is the logo and what isn't. Portfolio Page T...
Existing Logos I have looked around on the internet for some already existing logos for some inspiration. These are some of the logos I have found on the internet, some of them are well known, some less know. In all of these logos they all feature the companies name and some include some sort of image. This shows that both of these types of logos are effective due to them being simple but are effective in getting a brands identity out there. A good logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, graphic and simple in form, and it conveys the owner’s intended message. Simplicity : Simplicity makes a logo design easily recognisable, versatile and memorable. A good example of a simple logo would be the Nike or Adidas logo. Memorable : A Memorable logo is when a logo can be recognised and remembered because it's unique and iconic. This is when you can be shown the logo and instantly recognise it. A great example of this is like likes of McDonald's or KFC Timeless : Be...
16/11/2021 - Sam Horton - Story Board Masterclass Worked on feature films Aardman Academy 19 years experience worked on live-action, stop motion, 2d and 3d CGI projects visualising a script - storyboard animatic - storyboard collection put together so have a small visualisation of how it will look once finished not always great drawings provides proof of concept "marketing your vision" pre vis - better for live-action, large scale action scenes than storyboards. have a meeting and discuss the script and what is happening, asking questions about what you are trying to achieve in the end product. not really coloured, grey, black toon boom storyboard pro
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